Where can I download Zoho Cliq app?

You can download Zoho Cliq applications for a variety of platforms from zoho.com or following the links below (they point to the same locations as the ones on zoho.com, so do not worry, they’re legit).

How can I bulk import users into teams within my organization?

Prepare a CSV file with Name, Email, and Team details. In the Admin Panel, go to Users & Profiles > Teams and click Import Teams. Upload the file, resolve any invalid entries, and click Proceed to complete the import. Taz will notify you once it’s done.

Is it possible to invite external users to my organization in Zoho Cliq?

Yes, you can invite external users to your organization in Zoho Cliq by adding them as external collaborators. This allows them to participate in specific chats or channels without being a part of your internal organization. To enable this, you’ll need to adjust the external collaboration settings in your Zoho Cliq admin panel.